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My residency at Moulin à Nef could not have been a greater gift to my creative life. The special character of Auvillar and support of VCCA heightened for me the thrill of discovery. The sights alone gave me a lifetime of imagery and memories.
-Meredith Fife Day, Visual Artist

For Fellows who have had a residency in Virginia, VCCA offers the opportunity to apply for residencies at le Moulin à Nef in Auvillar, France, a lovely village on the Garonne River. A residency at le Moulin à Nef is an immersive experience, rich in history, architecture, wonderful wine, and food with Roman, Gallic, and Occitan influences. Auvillar has been designated one of the “most beautiful villages in France” and is on the famous pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

Located in the Port section of town, below the main village, le Moulin à Nef hosts four artists at a time who receive a private studio, a private bedroom with shared bath, and two dinners each week. For more information about our facilities in Auvillar, see Your Residency.

When applying, Fellows may request a residency of any length, within specific time periods published on the application.

Applications for the 2025 residency season (March 17 – November 21, 2025) at le Moulin à Nef will be accepted online via SlideRoom from June 1 through September 15, 2024. Notifications will be sent by December 15, 2024.

The following fully-funded fellowships are available for the 2025 residency season at Le Moulin à Nef.

Germaine Poliakov Fellowship

Eligibility: Writers who are VCCA Fellows
18-day residency at le Moulin à Nef with $1,000 travel stipend
Residency available: March 17 – November 21, 2025

The Spiral Shell Fellowship

Eligibility: Writers who are VCCA Fellows
18-day residency at le Moulin à Nef with $1,000 travel stipend
Residency available: March 17 – November 21, 2025