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Since 1971, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA) has provided uninterrupted time and space for artists to produce the finest works of literature, visual art, and music. VCCA hosts over 400 Fellows each year at two locations: Mt. San Angelo in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Amherst, Virginia, and the Moulin à Nef, in Auvillar France.

At VCCA, I had everything I needed. I was completely unhindered. As I said to many other Fellows during my stay, "If you can’t produce here, you can’t produce."
-Stephen Kennamer, composer

News & Events

What's new at VCCA

What to Expect

Where your work is the main event.


Light-filled, simply-outfitted, and climate controlled private studios offer maximized wall space, desks or working surface, sinks for visual artists, and pianos for composers.

Our Community

Enjoy the company of other talented artists and be surrounded by inspiring work.

Gathering for Meals

Meals are a time for conversation and the exchange of ideas within and across disciplines.


All Fellows enjoy a private bedroom, private studio, and inspiring natural surroundings.

VCCA Impact

By the Numbers

Fellows since 1971

U.S. states represented by our Fellows in FY24

Countries and territories represented by our Fellows in FY24

Residencies per year

Mix of New & Returning Fellows
  • 6,900+
    Fellows since 1971
  • 39
    U.S. states represented by our Fellows in FY24
  • 14
    Countries and territories represented by our Fellows in FY24
  • 400+
    Residencies per year
  • 60/40
    Mix of New & Returning Fellows