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About The Fellowship

This fellowship was established in 2022 by VCCA Fellow and Board member Sandell Morse in memory of Germaine Poliakov, a Resistance worker during WWII who cared for Jewish refugee children in a secret house in Southwest France. The Germaine Poliakov Fellowship provides an 18-day residency plus a $1,000 travel stipend for a writer at le Moulin à Nef in Auvillar, France (open only to VCCA Fellows who have already had a residency in Virginia).

Application Details

Eligibility: Writers who are VCCA Fellows
Residency Available: March 11 – November 22, 2024
Length of Fellowship: 18 days
Travel Stipend: $1,000

Application Opens: June 1, 2023
Application Deadline:
 September 15, 2023
Application Fee*: $30
Notification by: December 15, 2023

To be considered for the Germaine Poliakov Fellowship, complete the “Application for Moulin à Nef Residencies, VCCA in France 2024” and select “The Spiral Shell Fellowship” in the second question (applicants will be considered for both The Spiral Shell Fellowship and the Germaine Poliakov Fellowship, as they share the same criteria).

* If the application fee presents a significant barrier to application, please write to by September 10, 2023, to request an application fee waiver.