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VCCA’s residency program at le Moulin à Nef has been situated in the village of Auvillar in Southwest France since 2004. We have been opening our studio doors and hosting readings and events with the community for many years in the spirit of exchange.

The village of Auvillar wants to have a new mural painted on the outside of its primary school to replace a former mural. Because of this spirit of exchange, the mayor has asked if we’d put word out to our Fellows to see if there is interest in the project.

We believe that the village will be interested in a design that reflects learning as well as Auvillar’s historical elements and the local environment. Below is a photo of the former mural along with photos of the exterior wall with measurements. You can see that the former mural used the design of “la halle” — a round market in the center of the village where grain was bought and sold. Rather than tiles, the roof is depicted as colored pencils.


If you’re a VCCA Fellow who has experience painting murals and is interested in the possibility of this project, please contact Cheryl Fortier at as soon as possible. This is an inquiry to see who is interested. There is no need to send a proposal. More information will be sent to those who express interest.

Former mural.