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The Panel: artist and Fellow Sharon Shapiro, VCCA Director of Artists’ Services Sheila Pleasants,
writer Avery Chenoweth, Artistic Director Craig Pleasants, writer and Fellow Rachel Unkefer
(not shown: writer and Fellow Wendy Gavin Porter)
Presented by the Piedmont Council for the Arts and WriterHouse, “An Insider’s Guide
to Artist Colonies and Residencies” was held on September 13 at CitySpace.

For about an hour, panel members shared colorful stories about their residency experiences at VCCA, Yaddo, MacDowell Colony and other artists’ communities, both in the U.S. and abroad.

They gave advice on choosing the first artist community, insights on the selection process, and why writers, artists and composers consider the residency experience beneficial to their work. (A big increase in productivity!)

It was a relaxed and informative opportunity for folks interested in applying for residencies, so when the discussion opened for audience participation, there was a lively question and answer period.

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