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Here’s a collection of photographs from around VCCA’s grounds and facilities at Mt. San Angelo in Amherst, VA, and Le Moulin à Nef in Auvillar, France. These images have been formatted to use as virtual backgrounds in Zoom meetings, so you can surround yourself with the beauty of VCCA in your next video conference gathering.

Simply click on an image to download, and upload it as your virtual background on Zoom. We hope these remind you of chirping birds and creative fellowship wherever you are.

Instagram Photo Contest Winners:

These winning photos from previous VCCA Instagram photo contests have been cropped to fit Zoom’s recommended proportions. Simply click an image to download the file.

2018 winner: Gwen Hardie

Jurors: Megan Marlett and Richard Robinson

2017 winner: Dan Vera

Jurors: Maude Schuyler Clay and Langdon Clay

2016 winner: Felicia Van Bork

Juror: Cynthia Henebry

Mt. San Angelo:

Moulin à Nef: