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VCCA Fellows who share a commitment to the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts are invited to consider serving on the Fellows Council, an advisory group made of up of writers, visual artists, and composers who have attended VCCA.


Online Form Submission Deadline: October 31, 2022

The Fellows Council self-nomination form outlines the expectations of elected Fellows Council members. Self-nominees are asked to provide biographical and contact information and answer the following five questions, each with a character limit of 700:

  1. What draws you to service on the Fellows Council?
  2. How much time could you commit to meetings and service per month? Please describe your availability.
  3. What project could you envision implementing in support of the VCCA artistic community?
  4. Please share any experience relevant to service on the Fellows Council.
  5. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself and your experience with VCCA?

Ask Us Anything

Current Fellows Council members will host four “Ask Us Anything” sessions via Zoom to provide more information and answer questions from interested Fellows. Prospective nominees are invited to register for the event that best fits their schedule.